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Most of our projects at B Sinima carry powerful concepts but seek funding through our community and sponsors.
Funds from partners flow directly towards the productions themselves and help with catering expenses and compensation for our artists.
The Courrier
A former combat agent refuses to co-operate when he's asked to leak information for his prior agency. Now he must fight their new young trained fighters as well as their higher-ups.
Art City: Experiencing Charlotte Art
A six episode series following the adventures of local artists. asking them about what they do and why, watching them create and then seeing it all pay off when they present it to the world.
"For the past year, I've been experiencing the amazing and evolving art-scape in charlotte through the talented people creating it.
From networking with local artists to watching them do what they do and create a piece of art, It felt right to me to create a project that could showcase all that's going on with my own artform, film"
-Brenton Bent
Outline Episodes and the Go-To Structure
Each episode highlights Charlotte artists that pertain to the episode's themed art style. We follow the story of 3 "Primary artists" as they go about their days, working on their craft and prepping for a big exhibition that they're apart of. Each episode also features an undefined number of "Secondary" artists placed throughout, we experience them through either visuals of their art or interviews with them describing the art scene in the city.
- Ep1- "I got a Camera" (photography, film, digital cameras, etc)
- Ep2- "Move vs Groove" (dance, performance, music, etc)
- Ep3- “Hand Full of Emotions" (muralists, painters, illustrators, etc)
- Ep4- "Materialistic" (sculptures, ceramics, fashion, culinary, etc)
- Ep5- "Just Listen to It" (music, spoken word, poetry, comedy, etc)
- Ep6- "Light Benders" (photography, film, projectors, chemistry, etc)